Super Products

Acai Powder - Raw Planet - Raw Freezedried Organic

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We are pleased to offer the only truly raw Acai powder in New Zealand from Columbia. Acai (ah-sigh-ee) is an all natural energy berry tasting like a unique blend of berries and chocolate. Considered as one of the most nutritious food today, the acai berry contains high levels of the essential nutrients and antioxidants that the body needs to be healthy and properly functioning.

This Acai pulp is NOT pasteurised before it is freeze dried which results in an ORAC score of 9,107 uM trolox / 5g. This is nearly twice as much as Acai sourced from the Brazilian Amazon making it an extremely high source of anti-oxidants. (By law, all Brazilian acai products, even the freezedried powder is pausterised before processing so this Columbian Acai is the only RAW Acai on the market.)

Our Nature's Superfoods Acai powder is harvested from the deep jungles and rainforests found in Brazil and our Loving Earth raw Acai Powder is wildharvested from Acai palms growing in the coastal estuaries of the Tumaco region in Colombia, where they get mineralised by the Pacific Ocean.

Acai has been used by many natives of Brazil & Columbia as their primary food source during long hunting trips. They also use the acai berry for its medicinal benefits such as treating all kinds of illnesses. It has a rich purple pigment which has the essential fatty acids omega 3, 6 and 9 and antioxidants. Aside from these, the acai berry also has a lot of vitamin A. Through all this ingredients, the acai berry is able to rid the body of free radicals and toxins and help in the promotion of new cell regeneration.

Hidden within its royal purple pigment is the magic that makes it nature's perfect food. Acai is packed full of antioxidants, energy, essential omegas 6 & 9 (good-for-you fatty acids), fibre, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Antioxidants neutralise free radicals, which are known to damage cells in the body. Free radicals are caused by stresses on the body such as pollution, exposure to the sun, exersize, smoking, and poor diet.

Acai also has an exotic taste that will give your taste buds something to remember.

Some Facts About Acai
* Naturally organic wildharvested – Awesome!
* Low GL – No sugar rushes or sugar lows
* 4-6 times more antioxidants than blueberries
* Carb's for sustained energy
* Dietary fibre will reduce cholesterol absorption
* Essential fatty acids Omegas 6 & 9 and Protein
* Source of Calcium, Iron, Magnesium & Vitamin E

Nutritional Information
Serving Size 3g

 Per ServePer 100g
Fat - total1.4g46.7g
-omega 39g300mg
-omega 6138.01mg4600mg
-omega 9776.48mg25880mg
-dietary fibre0.87g29g
Vitamin A212.63IU7087IU


Agave Syrup - Blue Raw Planet - Organic & Raw Amber in a glass bottle - Mexico

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Agave Nectar has been used for centuries as a flavouring though native populations have also been aware of its health benefits and used it medicinally. The Aztecs used a mixture of agave nectar and salt as a dressing for wounds and a balm for skin infections and agave's use as a folk remedy persists today.

Scientific studies have confirmed agave's remedial properties. Agave nectar applied to the skin has been found effective against pyogenic (pus producing) bacteria such as Staph aureus. The tradition of adding salt to the nectar has been found to further boost its anti-microbial property. Agave nectar has also been proven effective against enteric (intestinal) bacteria.

Our organic wildcrafted & blue agave syrup  is a delicious, low glycemic index (GI) sweetener that taste somewhere in between honey and maple syrup. The wild agave is harvested by an organic indigenous grower association, consisting of descendants of the Aztecs in the region of Ixmiquilpan in Mexico. The wild agave plant is central to their culture and they have harvested it for thousands of years.

Organic Blue Agave nectars are species-specific made exclusively from Central Mexico's renowned Blue Agave plant. Blue agave (Agave tequilana var. Weber) a member of the Amaryllis family is a slow-growing plant that spreads runners from a 'mother' plant. Grown to USDA Organic Standards the agave is cultivated and processed without chemicals or genetic modification.

After growing for 5 to 7 years a mature blue agave stands several feet tall and its carbohydrates are concentrated in the plant's core. The blue agave's treasure is held in the pina (so called because it resembles a pineapple after the leaves have been trimmed away).

Farmers hand-cut the blue agave with a simple razor-sharp blade. (A skilled farmer can cut and trim a 100- pound blue agave pina in less than 5 minutes.) The field trimmings are left behind to restore the soil and reduce erosion.

The fibrous blue agave pina is taken to the mill where it is pressed and its inulin-rich juice is collected and cleaned.

Inulin a dietary fiber made up of complex carbohydrates is not sweet by nature. Exposing (or hydrolyzing) the inulin to heat transforms it into sweet nectar. When making the Light Blue Agave nectar the juice is heated to a higher temperature for a short time. However when making the Raw Blue Agave nectar the process is lower and much slower: the juice is warmed to a lower temperature and the low heat is maintained for nearly twice as long. In this simple process the inulin becomes fructose a slowly metabolizing sugar found in many fruits and vegetables. Filtering determines the blue agave nectars' flavour and colour. This amber syrup is unfiltered.

Bee Pollen Granules - Raw Planet - Organic

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Professor Nicolai Tsitsin, a biologist and experimental botanist of the Longevity Institute of the former USSR, studied centenarians in the Caucasus mountains of Georgia and discovered many Georgians living past 100 years and up to 150 years were beekeepers who eat raw, unprocessed honey with high concentrations of pollen. He attributed this longevity to the action of pollen, and concluded that, taken regularly, pollen will prolong the human lifespan considerably.

Now, pollen is eaten by millions of health-conscious people worldwide. Many international and Olympic athletes from all over the world also eat pollen.













What is pollen? Pollen is the male element of flowers. It has enormous nutritive and medicinal properties and forms the ovules, the starting point of the production of fruits, grains, legumes and vegetables. Bees gather pollens which are mixed with nectar to make pellets that are carried into the beehive. A teaspoonful contains approximately 1,200 pellets, each pellet containing 20 billion grains of pollen, each capable of fertilising and creating a fruit, a vegetable, a flower, or a stalk of grain. Pollen is a very nutritionally complete food and has the potential to contribute as a major food source for humans.

Flower pollen possesses 185 known nutritional ingredients, including twenty-two amino acids (and more of all the eight essential ones by weight than the traditional high protein foods), twenty-seven minerals, the full range of known vitamins, plus enzymes, carbohydrates, fats, and plant growth hormones and other trace substances not yet identified.

Medical studies have shown the following benefits of pollen:

- Allergies: Pollen has an ability to immunize the body against anemophile (wind and air blown) pollens and relieves allergic symptoms.|

- Anaemia: Pollen has been shown in studies to provoke a rapid increase in blood haemoglobin.

- Cancer: A US Department of Agriculture research project concluded that pollen is useful as a cancer preventative and restrictor of tumour development.

- Chelation: Pollen allows more oxygen to reach the body and brain cells by acting as an atherosclerotic flushing agent (a chelator).

- Stamina and Vitality: were increased for those using pollen on a regular basis.

- Convalescence: Pollen brings about a rapid increase in weight and energy during convalescence.

- Intestinal: Pollen shows a regulatory action on intestinal functions - both on constipation as well as in cases of diarrhoea resistant to antibiotics.

- Menstruation: Pollen has been shown to bring relief in cases of painful and irregular menstruation.

- Radiation: Laboratory animals exposed to high doses of radiation have been shown to have been protected by including pollen in their diet.

- Relaxation: Pollen produces a calming, tranquillising, and sedating effect without any side effects.

- Wound-healing: Pollen has been shown to increase the rate of healing, reduce scarring and prevent infection.

The United States Department of Agriculture (1992) tested and compared Bee Pollen with other fruit and vegetables and found that Bee Pollen, on a per calorie basis:

- has twice as much iron as any other common food type. Iron is essential for the effective flow of oxygen throughout the body. Bee Pollen contains over seven times more iron than beef.

- is higher in protein than most high-protein foods. Bee Pollen contains up to 50% more muscle-building protein than beef does

- is a valuable source of calcium. Strong bone development depends on high levels of dietary calcium. Bee Pollen contains twice as much calcium as milk.

- contains the strong antioxidant vitamins A (beta carotene), C and E, and was found to contain higher levels of beta carotene than all common foods except tomatoes.

- is an excellent source of three B Vitamins: Thiamin, Riboflavin and Niacin.

Bee Pollen has the highest natural level of folic acid (folate) of any common food, which may support the prostate gland and cell regeneration. It also contains natural antioxidants, of which the flavonoid quercetin is useful for helping the body’s natural response to allergens. Bee Pollen has also been shown to assist with energy levels, stamina, and athletic performance.

Pollen is becoming popular for curing cases of acne, obesity, lost appetite, weakness, loss of weight, intestinal disorders, psychosis, neurasthenia, retarded growth, cerebral haemorrhage, memory loss, general debility, minimal brain dysfunction in children, convalescence, and general malaise.

A study comparing so-called activated bee pollen (cracked-shell pollen) and natural pollen, which our bee pollen is, showed there was no significant difference in terms of the bioavailability of a number of key components (Lister 1999)

Our pollen is export quality and harvested from native flowers in the pristine forests of the South Island of nuclear-free New Zealand and dried slowly at low temperature to preserve all the goodness of the pollen. It is the best available!

The pollen is not certified organic as you cannot confine the bees to one particular area but is as organic as they can be. The bee keepers are third generation bee keepers with their fathers still involved helping them in their family business. They have a very strict high standard they adhere to and only bee pollen is processed on-site in an extremely clean environment.

Cacao - Food of the Gods

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What is Cacao?

Cacao is the seed of a fruit of an Amazonian tree that was brought to Central America during or before the time of the Olmecs. Cacao beans were so revered by the Mayans and Aztecs that they used them as money!

In 1753 Carl von Linnaeus, the 18th-century Swedish scientist, thought that cacao was so important that he named the genus and species of this tree himself. He named this tree: Theobroma cacao, which literally means "cacao, the food of the gods."

The following quote from the "Historia General y Natural de las Indias" (General History and Nature of the Indies) by Fernàndez de Oviedo (1535) describes where cacao originally came from according to Mayan myhthology "Cocoa was more than a simple food. It was a divine food. Quetzalcoalt, the sacred king of the Toltechi, high priest and king of Tula, was the gardener of paradise where the first men lived. From there, he brought the cacahuaquehitl or cacaotero to his country."

"The True History of Chocolate"

This is the title of a book written by Coe and Coe. The authors a husband and wife team, both Harvard academics, intended to document the definitive history of chocolate in this book (as there are many versions of the history of chocolate). Michael Coe a meso-american expert finished the book after his wife Sophie died of cancer while working on the book. For Sophie the history of chocolate was her passion and she spent hundreds of hours tracking down centuries-old manuscripts in the libraries of Europe and North America.

The Coe's refer to the pre-mayan culture of Olmecs, particularly the group based in Izapa in Xoconusco (Soconusco), Mexico as the place where the criollo variety of cacao was originally domesticated by this culture sometime between 400 B.C. and A.D.100. There are still small pockets of these original heirloom varieties of criollo cacao in semi-abondoned plantations around the ruins of Izapa, just outside Tapachula in Xoconusco. The region of Xoconusco and the cacao grocacao producing regions in Mesoamericawn there was so prominent in their account of the true history of Chocolate that the coe's referred to it as "the diamond in the crown of the Aztec empire". The map shows the boundaries of the Aztec empire and the major cacao growing regions of the time just before the spanish conquest. You will notice the Aztecs conquered the small region of Soconusco even though it was far removed from the main part of their territory, just to be able to control the prized cacao grown in the region.

Cacao and Traditional Mesoamerican Life
Cacao was considered sacred by the mayans and was the major offering in most of their ceremonies. Even though the cacao bean was central to Mesoamerican life, only the very wealthy and powerful could afford to use it. The Mayan and Aztec priests and royalty drank copious amounts of a drink made from the fermented and crushed cacao seeds. This drink was called xocoatl or "bitter water" in Nahua. Later in Europe xocoatl became "chocolate." Xocoatl was used for ceremonies and religious observances. Priests used it as a part of their prayer offerings. Kings drank it for breakfast. Marriage vows were sealed by drinking xocoatl. It was a major part of every feast. During the 15th century, Nezahualcoyotl's court in Texcoco is recorded as consuming "four xipuipillis" or 32,000 beans each day. In the market place, the beans were accepted as standard currency. On market day, three beans would purchase a turkey egg, 100 beans a slave or a dugout canoe, 65-300 beans a cotton mantle. Cacao beans continued to be used as standard currency until 1887 in Mexico.The cacao of Xoconusco was considered the finest, best quality cacao by the aztec royalty and the largest annual taxes of cacao were collected from this region.

Cacao Beans, Butter, Liquor, Nibs, Powder, Raw Chocolate Bars & Chocolate Coconut Butter
The raw cacao bean is one of nature's most fantastic superfoods due to its wide array of unique properties, many of which are destroyed or corrupted by cooking.

"People always ask me what I eat. Raw, organic Cacao Beans are the primary food in my diet. They have inspired me to eat less and live more. Cacao Beans are truly the food of the gods, the best food ever!" - David Wolfe, co-author of 'Naked Chocolate' book.  Please go below to buy.

Cacao beans contain no sugar and between 12% and 50% fat depending on variety and growth conditions. There is no evidence to implicate cacao bean consumption with obesity.

Cacao is remarkably rich in magnesium.  Cacao seems to be the #1 source of magnesium of any food. This is likely the primary reason women crave chocolate during the menstrual period. Magnesium balances brain chemistry, builds strong bones, and is associated with more happiness. Magnesium is the most deficient major mineral on the Standard American Diet (SAD); over 80% of Americans are chronically deficient in Magnesium!

Stimulant or Superfood?
Cacao contains subtle amounts of caffeine and theobromine. However, experiments have shown that these stimulants are far different when consumed raw than cooked.

Consider the following: Experimental provings of chocolate by homeopaths indicate its stimulating effect when cooked. One experiment conducted with a decoction of roasted ground cacao beans in boiling water produced an excitement of the nervous system similar to that caused by black coffee, an excited state of circulation, and an accelerated pulse. interestingly, when the same decoction was made with raw, unroasted beans neither effect was noticeable, leading the provers to conclude that the physiological changes were caused by aromatic substances released during roasting.

MAO Inhibitors
Cacao seems to diminish appetite, probably due to its monoamine oxidase enzyme inhibitors (MAO inhibitors) - these are different from digestive enzyme inhibitors found in most nuts and seeds. These rare MAO inhibitors actually produce favorable results when consumed by allowing more serotonin and other neurotransmitters to circulate in the brain. According to Dr. Gabriel Cousens, MAO inhibitors facilitate youthening and rejuvenation.

Phenylethylamine (PEA)
Phenylethylamine (PEA) is found in chocolate. PEA is an adrenal-related chemical that is also created within the brain and released when we are in love. This is one of the reasons why love and chocolate have a deep correlation. PEA also plays a role in increasing focus and alertness.

Anandamide (The Bliss Chemical)
A neurotransmitter called anandamide, has been isolated in cacao. Anandamide is also produced naturally in the brain. Anandamide is known as "The Bliss Chemical" because it is released while we are feeling great. Cacao contains enzyme inhibitors that decrease our bodies' ability to breakdown anandamide. This means that natural anandamide and/or cacao anandamide may stick around longer, making us feel good longer, when we eat cacao.

A recent study showed that only one out of 500 people who thought they were allergic to chocolate actually tested positive. Allergies to chocolate are quite rare. It is typically the case that the person is in fact allergic to milk and dairy products.

Cacao & Antioxidants
Raw cacao is very high in antioxidants.  Its ORAC rating is 621 - compare that to blueberries at about 32!


 ORAC scores for the Top 11 Antioxidant Foods (per 100 grams)
 1) Raw cocoa powder*                                       95,500
 2) Raw cacao nibs*                                           62,100
 3) Roasted cocoa powder                                  26,000
 4) Goji Berries*                                                 25,300
 5) Acai Berries*                                                18,500
 6) Dark Chocolate                                             13,120
 7) Prunes                                                           5,770
 8) Raisins                                                          2,830
 9) Blueberries                                                    2,400
10) Blackberries                                                  2,036
11) Kale                                                             1,770
 Source: US department of Agriculture/Journal of American Chemical Society
 * Source: Brunswick Laboratories MA, USA

Cancer & Heart Disease
Recent studies have shown that cacao helps protect us from cancer & heart disease.

How To Use Our Cacao:
1. Try eating beans & nibs straight or mixed in with nuts, seeds or/and dried fruits. Chew thoroughly and experience the taste extravaganza of raw chocolate.

2. Add cacao to smoothies to enhance the flavour & nutrition.

3. Create a raw chocolate desert:  Mash 2 - 4 avos with some squeezed some citrus juice.  Add 1 - 2 mashed bananas, or some soaked & mashed dates.  The add 2 - 4 tbspns cacao powder or very finely-ground cacao beans or nibs .  Mix well & enjoy!

4. Create a raw chocolate bar. Heat the following ingredients in a water bath to 43 degrees C:  8 tbspns coconut oil, 2 tbspns finely-chopped cocoa butter. Add very finely-ground & sieved cacao beans - 2-4 tbspns to taste, then honey or maple syrup - 2-3 tbspns to taste. Pour into molds and place in your fridge or freezer. Eat cold and experience the truth about the food of the gods!

There are about 100 recipes in 'Naked Chocolate.'  Please go below to buy.

Warning: Eating raw cacao may cause you to have THE BEST DAY EVER!

Cacao is great fun for everyone - especially kids!

Cacao Beans

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The raw cacao bean is one of nature's most fantastic superfoods due to its wide array of unique properties, many of which are destroyed or corrupted by cooking.

"People always ask me what I eat. Raw, organic Cacao Beans are the primary food in my diet. They have inspired me to eat less and live more. Cacao Beans are truly the food of the gods, the best food ever!" - David Wolfe, co-author of 'Naked Chocolate' book. 

Please buy below

Cacao Beans - Raw Planet - Organic & Raw - Solomon Islands - Unpeeled & Lightly Fermented

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The raw cacao bean is one of nature's most fantastic superfoods due to its wide array of unique properties, many of which are destroyed or corrupted by cooking.

"People always ask me what I eat. Raw, organic Cacao Beans are the primary food in my diet. They have inspired me to eat less and live more. Cacao Beans are truly the food of the gods, the best food ever!" - David Wolfe, co-author of 'Naked Chocolate' book.

These are raw whole unpeeled & lightly fermented organic cacao beans from the Solomon Islands. These are the most potent whole unpeeled fermented cacao beans available.

Cacao Paste - Raw Planet - Organic & Raw - Peru

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Single origin Peruvian Criollo Ceremonial Grade Cacao Paste suitable for elixirs and chocolate and everyday use.

A Special Thanks
Purchasing this product will mean that a donation will be made through the Amazon Support Initiative to a local community in the Amazon to support projects that help promote the wellbeing and sustainable development of these communities. You have our thanks for your support in buying through us and helping to achieve these goals.

Cacao Nibs - Raw Planet - Organic & Raw - Peru

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These are peeled & kibbled cacao beans. Raw Cacao Nibs are jam packed with antioxidants, magnesium and bliss nutrients that may help keep you young, healthy and happy.

You will love their yummy chocolate flavour!

Our Cacao Nibs are an original heirloom criollo amazonico Cacao from Satipo in Peru. By buying this Raw Cacao you are supporting a sustainable project that is rescuing this original heirloom variety of Cacao, which has been grown by the Ashaninka and Chene people of the Peruvian Amazon for thousands of years.

These certified organic indigenous growers use an age old system of permaculture, where the Cacao trees are planted under the native forest canopy, along with other fruit trees, such as mango, avocado and papaya. All of these trees add their distinctive nuances to the fine multi-floral flavour of this exquisite Cacao.

Nutrition Information
Serving Size 10g

Per Serve

Per 100g










   - saturated






   - sugar






Cacao Powder - Raw Planet - Organic & Raw - Peru

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The raw chocolate revolution is in full swing!

We are extremely happy to present you with New Zealand's first raw cacao powder that's been organically certified.  As the market has grown, the Peruvian producer has been able to invest in new machinery and more people. Because of this, he's just perfected a technique that makes truly raw organic cacao powder. This means that you can now create the world's healthiest organic raw chocolate treats easier and cheaper than before.

A Special Thanks

Purchasing this product will mean that a donation will be made through the Amazon Support Initiative to a local community in the Amazon to support projects that help promote the wellbeing and sustainable development of these communities. You have our thanks for your support in buying through us and helping to achieve these goals.

What is Raw Cacao Powder (Chocolate Powder)?

It's created by cold-pressing our cacao beans into a cake separating the oil from the protein and fibre. The temperature is never allowed to exceed 47 degrees Celsius and is usually 40 degrees Celsius (all other cocoa powders are exposed to temperatures as high as 150 degrees Celcius!). A high-accuracy thermometer monitors the process. Slowly, the pure, liquid cacao butter begins to sift off down a stainless steel valve. The remaining dry 'cake-like' material is then cold-ground, fine-milled and sifted so that only the finest, most bio-available raw cacao particles filter through into the finished product. This allows for maximum digestion and antioxidant absorption. It has a delightful, full, antioxidant-rich chocolate flavour.

This unique technique uses absolutely no chemicals, no hexane, no solvents.

The Amazing Story of Raw Cacao Powder
ORAC antioxidant laboratory analysis confirms that there are over 25,200 ORAC units in a single spoonful of Raw Cacao Powder!

This delicious, easy-to-use and mega-potent (955 ORAC units per gram!) form of chocolate has broken a world record. Never before has there been 25,200 ORAC units of antioxidant power in a spoonful of anything.

Dark chocolate has been touted as a source of antioxidants, but this raw cacao powder is way beyond that. Living proof that raw is better!

Why Antioxidants?
Antioxidants keep you looking young, they help fight disease, and they do all these things, too:

* Italian researchers found eating 100 grams of dark chocolate each day for 15 days lowered blood pressure in the 15-person study. The University of L'Aquila team also found the body's ability to metabolise sugar -- a problem for people with diabetes -- was improved. Because the effect was believed to be due to antioxidant levels, with Raw Cacao Powder we can likely multiply this effect.

* Dutch researchers indicate that dark chocolate contains four times the amount of catechin antioxidants than black tea, which is suspected of having a protective effect against heart disease and possibly cancer due to its antioxidant properties. With Raw Cacao Powder, it would be 28 times more than Black Tea and potentially 7 times the protection!

* In trials, doctors at Harvard found that Antioxidant compounds called Flavonols in chocolate help the body to produce nitric oxide, a compound essential for proper heart function. (Nitric oxide is also believed by pro bodybuilders to help increase muscularity.) Again, with Raw Cacao Powder, this effect could easily be multiplied.

Raw cacao powder contains about seven times as many antioxidants as cooked cacao powder, that's about 723% more!

Concentrated Nutrients
Because it's concentrated, raw cacao powder has at least 33% more of many of cacao's most vital nutrients! In Raw Cacao Powder, much of the oil is removed, while nearly all of the active nutrients remain. For example...

* The amino acid Tryptophan is found naturally in cacao. Tryptophan enhances relaxation and promotes better sleep. Now you'll get at least 33% more when you use Raw Cacao Powder!

* Researchers have discovered that phenylethylamine (PEA) has a positive effect in enhancing feelings of love. And Chocolate has been proven to be an excellent source of PEA. Now you can love at least 33% more with Raw Cacao Powder!

* Cacao is the richest food source of magnesium of any common food. Magnesium is the number one mineral that assists and supports healthy heart functioning. Now you get at least 33% more magnesium gram-per-gram with Raw Cacao Powder!

* Raw Cacao Powder has at least 33% more Arginine, the aphrodisiac-like amino acid believed by body builders to build muscle and aid in recovery.

* And much, much more!

We could talk forever about the qualities of raw chocolate, but that's what their book Naked Chocolate book is all about!

How To Use Raw Cacao Powder
Here are just a few ideas for using your Raw Cacao Powder. You can:
* Add it to your favorite smoothies (one heaping tablespoon will do) and watch them instantly become Raw Chocolate masterpieces!
* You can blend it with raw coconut oil and agave nectar - for instant raw chocolate syrup! (Then put this on top of raw ice cream or fresh fruit - AMAZING!)
* You can blend it in a food processor with raw nut butters and agave nectar, for the most delicious desert you've ever had. (In fact, similar nut butters mixed with roasted cocoa powder are very expensive in health food stores.)
* You can make any cookie, brownie or pie more chocolatey and delicious - just add a tablespoon or more to taste.
* You can blend it with sweet almond milk. This gives you a creamy dark chocolate milk that's LOADED with antioxidant power and tastes out of this world!

Please refrigerate or store in a cool, dry place (out of direct sunlight) if you can, though it's not essential. This product is microbe-free and highly-stable.

Check out our Raw Cacao Powder
In the book Naked Chocolate they mentioned the amazing story of the Kuna Indians, who live on the San Blas Islands of Panama. These people have always had extremely low blood pressure and that it did not climb as they got older. In fact, they always remained in remarkably great health.

When the lifestyles of these people were studied, one thing stuck out. The Kuna living on the islands drank a significant amount of locally grown, minimally processed, high-flavonol cocoa.

The best part: for the first time ever, YOU can do the exact same thing. You get to drink and eat this simple, yet powerful food - very likely the most potent source of health-promoting antioxidants in existence.

Nutritional Information
Serving Size 2g


Per Serve

Per 100g










   - saturated






   - sugars



Dietary Fibre





















Camu Camu Extract Powder - Raw Planet - Organic

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Our Camu Camu is 100% pure Certified Organic, different to the previous product we were selling in that it now contains no manioc root powder. We’re happy to report that our Camu Camu is no longer spray dried, and is now 100% organic Camu Camu pulp, dehydrated at low temperatures. This results in a Vitamin C percentage of over 12%: that’s 30 to 60 times more Vitamin C than an orange. What’s more, since our Camu Camu is a whole food in its full-spectrum natural form, your body can absorb the nutrients contained within much more effectively than it will absorb any synthetic supplement.

Camu Camu (Mycaria Dubia) is a bushy tree that grows in black water rivers, especially along abandoned watercourses known as cochas. Each year, the river floods, bringing nutrients to the soil and avoiding the depletion associated with typical farming methods; these are ecosystems of great social and economic importance to the Amazon jungle in Peru. Growing in these swampy areas, it takes years for the tree to become mature enough to bear fruit. The fruit of the tree is approximately 2 cms in diameter and has a purplish red skin with a yellow pulp.

Camu Camu is traditionally made into a juice by people of the rainforest to support the immune system, ward off viral infections, and help maintain optimal health, especially under conditions of stress and anxiety, which tend to deplete the immune system. It also contains bioflavonoids, the amino acids serine, valine, and leucine, plus considerable quantities of thiamine, riboflavin and niacin. Camu Camu helps to promote healthy gums, eyes, and skin and supports the functions of the brain (nervous system) and heart (circulatory system).

Traditionally, native medicine practitioners and herbalists have recommended Camu Camu for:

    - Strengthening the immune system
    - Improving symptoms of herpes infections, including mouth blisters, genital blisters, shingles blisters and other viral infections
    - Promoting energy and vitality of people with chronic immune dysfunction
    - Strengthening the nervous system
    - Supporting healthy levels of white blood cell formation
    - Detoxifying the body, especially the liver
    - Promoting health of upper respiratory organs, including lungs, sinuses, nasal passages
    - Promoting a healthy heart and circulatory system

Pharmacological Information
The Camu Camu fruit has a surprising range of medicinal effects. In joint studies with IIAP, Sandoval (2000) of Albany University has demonstrated that Camu Camu flesh has a great antioxidant power, and it inhibits the radical DPPH (1,1-diphenil-2-picrilhydrazil), surpassing that of ascorbic acid and trolox (water soluble analog of vitamin C).

Some of the extraordinary medicinal properties of this Amazon rain forest fruit are described by Gary Null, Ph.D., a nationally known nutritionist and researcher. In discussing the holistic treatment of depression he lists 19 plants containing chemical compounds with antidepressant properties. In order of potency, Camu Camu is listed second in effectiveness. Some have been able to gradually wean themselves off of their anti-depression prescription medication (such as Zoloft and Prozac) under medical supervision and substitute Camu Camu powder with no relapse into depression. Although the amount taken varies for different people, some have taken, on an empty stomach, 1/2 teaspoon of Camu Camu powder in a glass of water four times daily. Others have taken one tsp. either once or twice daily. One alternative health care provider in New York City has had twenty patients on Zoloft and Prozac gradually wean themselves off these medications while taking camu camu and they have succeeded in avoiding depression. Good results have also been noted for patients who are anxious, talkative, and those with panic attacks.

Camu Camu has been part of an effective protocol for a 14 year old boy who was hospitalized for 15 months at the age of eight for suicidal depression. This boy also has learning disabilities and Attention Deficit Disorder (A.D.D.). His psychiatrists put him on 40 mg. of Prozac, 100 mg. of Ritalin, as well as Clomadine and Imiprimine, which he remained on for years, keeping him in a barely functional, drugged state. Working with an alternative medical professional, his mother withdrew him gradually from these drugs and began a protocol which included Ginkgo Biloba, high amounts of Vitamin C and B vitamins. In the last few months she has added two teaspoons of Camu Camu (divided dose on empty stomach with water) and one capsule a day (500 mg.) of Maca to his protocol. She reports that since adding these two herbs her son's immune function has improved--he gets sick less often, his mood is better - "it has smoothed him out" - and the combination of these two herbs have increased his ability to focus.

Camu Camu is at the top of Null's list of plants with medicinal effectiveness against the herpes virus. All forms of the herpes virus lie dormant at the base of the spine and become active when the immune system is stressed beyond its ability to respond effectively against pathenogens. Common stressors include emotional upsets, other illnesses, prescription drugs, insufficient rest, poor diet, menstrual periods, vaginal yeast infections, and too much sunlight on the skin. Genital herpes is usually transmitted sexually. The principal anti-viral pharmaceutical medicine is acyclovir, which has unpleasant and even toxic side effects. The herpes virus takes a number of different forms and is widespread today as a public health problem in the United States. More than 50% of the U.S. population gets cold sores, which is the result of the herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV1). The Epstein-Barr virus is a common form of the herpes virus which may linger in the body for years, raising the total viral load which the body must combat. Yet another form of the herpes virus is genital herpes which is caused by the herpes simplex virus 2. In total, more than 80% of the U.S. population suffers from some kind of herpes infection. Null lists 19 plants which contain anti-herpetic phyto-chemicals. Camu Camu is listed as the most potent.

Nutrition Information

Serving Size 2g   

Per Serve

Per 100g







Fat, total



Carbohydrate total


















Vitamin B1



Vitamin B2



Vitamin C



Serving Suggestions:  Many people have stopped using large dosages of synthetic Vitamin C because they find that just 1 to 2 grams (1 tspn) of camu camu powder is energizing, mood-lifting and highly effective in strengthening the immune system. It has the additional benefit of being non-irritating to sensitive stomachs and bladders.  Add to water, juices, smoothies, cereals, desserts, bars, yoghurt & fruit for a tangy citrus flavour.

In Brazil, Camu Camu is being promoted as a product that untangles and strengthens hair, and protects it from external damage, adding to its shine and vitality. Camu Camu is being used in a new line of cosmetics specially recommended for damaged and dull hair that include shampoos, conditioners, hair masques, hair renewal that add body and shine to hair.

Conditions for storage: Keep in a fresh, dry place. Protect from light.

Ingredients:  100% Organic Camu Camu Powder.

Country of Origin: Peru

J Cardiol.

2008 Oct;52(2):127-32. doi: 10.1016/j.jjcc.2008.06.004. Epub 2008 Jul 29.
Tropical fruit camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia) has anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory properties.
Inoue T1, Komoda H, Uchida T, Node K.
Author information

Oxidative stress as well as inflammation plays a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Although, various anti-oxidative dietary supplements have been evaluated for their ability to prevent atherosclerosis, no effective ones have been determined at present. "Camu-camu" (Myrciaria dubia) is an Amazonian fruit that offers high vitamin C content. However, its anti-oxidative property has not been evaluated in vivo in humans.

To assess the anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory properties of camu-camu in humans, 20 male smoking volunteers, considered to have an accelerated oxidative stress state, were recruited and randomly assigned to take daily 70 ml of 100% camu-camu juice, corresponding to 1050 mg of vitamin C (camu-camu group; n=10) or 1050 mg of vitamin C tablets (vitamin C group; n=10) for 7 days.

After 7 days, oxidative stress markers such as the levels of urinary 8-hydroxy-deoxyguanosine (P<0.05) and total reactive oxygen species (P<0.01) and inflammatory markers such as serum levels of high sensitivity C reactive protein (P<0.05), interleukin (IL)-6 (P<0.05), and IL-8 (P<0.01) decreased significantly in the camu-camu group, while there was no change in the vitamin C group.

Our results suggest that camu-camu juice may have powerful anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory properties, compared to vitamin C tablets containing equivalent vitamin C content. These effects may be due to the existence of unknown anti-oxidant substances besides vitamin C or unknown substances modulating in vivo vitamin C kinetics in camu-camu.

PMID: 18922386 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] -

Cats Claw - Raw Planet - Organic & Raw - Peru

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Cats Claw, locally called Uña de Gato, is indigenous to the Amazon rainforest and other tropical areas of South and Central America. It is a vine with thorns that resemble a cats claw. Extracts from the bark and roots of Cats Claw have been used by the indigenous people for thousands of years to maintain health and vitality and in particular to treat immune and digestive disorders. Cats Claw has long been used also as a homeopathic treatment for intestinal ailments. Uses include: Crohns disease, gastric ulcers and tumors, parasites, colitis, gastritis, diverticulitis and leaky bowel syndrome. The immuno-stimulant properties of Cats Claw help the body fight off infections and protect against degenerative diseases. By stimulating the immune system, it can also improve response to viral and respiratory infections. It has also anti-inflammatory properties which counters bronchial oedema. The active substances in Cats Claw are alkaloids, tannins and several other phytochemicals. Some of the alkaloids have been proven to boost the immune system. Four of its alkaloids have been shown to have a pronounced enhancement effect on phagocytosis (the ability of the white blood cells and macrophages to attack, engulf and digest harmful micro-organisms, foreign matter, and debris). The major alkaloid rhynchophylline has anti-hypertensive effects and may reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack by lowering blood pressure, increasing circulation, reducing heart rate and controlling cholesterol. World wide research done on this powerful herb has led scientists to patent many of the single chemicals found in it for use in healing cancer, arthritis, AIDS, and other diseases. However, traditional wisdom shows that using the whole plant can be far more powerful than any one isolated ingredient.

For more info:


Side Effects and Cautions
* Few side effects have been reported for cats claw when it is taken at recommended dosages. Though rare, side effects may include headaches, dizziness, and vomiting.
* Women who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant should avoid using cats claw because of its past use for preventing and aborting pregnancy.

A Special Thanks
Purchasing this product will mean that a donation  will be made through the Amazon Support Initiative to a local community in the Amazon to support projects that help promote the wellbeing and sustainable development of these communities. You have our thanks for your support in buying through us and helping to achieve these goals.

Chlorella Powder - Open Cell - Raw Planet - Organic

Give the gift of Wellness - Spirulina and Chlorella are discounted 30% until midnight on 31 October!
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Nature's ultimate detoxifier, purifier, cleanser and deodoriser.  Chlorella is a pure green microlalgae abundant in essential micronutrients and RNA/DNA nucleic acids

The “Double” Secret of Chlorella’s Success
Chlorella has helped thousands of people get their health back on track, because it has something no other food has to help you undo years of damage done by illness and unhealthy habits with amazing results. Because they’re healthier on the inside, many people report such positive changes as:

    - Maintaining healthy circulation, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels
    - Cleansing of toxins from junk food, cigarettes, and poor diet that bog you down and trigger illness
    - A more restful night’s sleep and more get-up-and-go to enjoy activities you love
    - Better elimination and help for ulcers and digestive upset
    - Improved skin tone, soft, thick hair and strong nails 
    ...and so much more!

How can one whole food supplement do all of this? At the very core of each Chlorella cell lies two amazing properties:

1. The richest source of nucleic acids — more than any other food on earth! You may know that nucleic acids are the basic building blocks of life — and are critical to keep your natural defense system working in peak condition. An abundance of these nucleic acids helps your body to reproduce the immune-enhancing cells that can help you feel young, healthy and vibrant.

Research shows that your body loses its precious ability to make nucleic acids — or RNA and DNA — as you age, making your cells inefficient. Illness creeps up on you before you know it. This means YOU feel weak and tired and old. You even look old!

One of the best ways to revitalize your body is to get these vital nucleic acids into your diet.

Unfortunately, most foods today are depleted of nucleic acids through processing. But ounce-per-ounce, Chlorella has much more than even canned sardines, which were once thought to have the highest nucleic acid content of any food.

For you this means Chlorella can give you stronger natural defenses to get healthy and stay healthy!

2. The remarkable Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF) provides super youth enhancement to help your body renew itself and fight off the harmful effects of the premature aging process.

You won’t find CGF in any vitamin, mineral or herb.

It is only found in chlorella and it contains a unique mixture of nature’s most potent agents that nourish and replenish your body. CGF is naturally “built in” to the heart of each Chlorella cell in a way that optimizes your body’s ability to absorb and benefit from it the most.

How does it do this? CGF actually gives your body “the signal” it needs to build NEW cells. When you take Chlorella with CGF, you get a constant supply of strong new cells to revitalize your health and make you feel young again.

The internal programming of CGF makes it possible for the chlorella cells to actually quadruple themselves every 24 hours while they’re first being grown in their natural environment. So one cell becomes four new cells, and so on and so on. And when cells keep dividing to create new cells, you see and feel renewal in so many ways.

Chlorella helps

    - replenish your cells for more youthful skin and a fresher appearance
    - give you more energy to exercise and be more active so you can burn more unwanted fat easier
    - stimulate new cell growth for stronger, healthier muscles and tissues
    - speed up your body’s natural revitalization 

Randall E. Merchant, Ph.D.
Head of Neurosurgery, Virginia Commonwealth University, Medical College of Virginia and renowned medical researcher who has done extensive clinical studies on Chlorella
Stunning Research Shows Chlorella Maintains Healthy Cholesterol Levels, Blood Pressure Levels and Digestion!

Studies conducted by Dr. Randall E. Merchant at the Virginia Commonwealth University, Medical College of Virginia, showed the beneficial effects of 6g of Chlorella a day on patients with blood pressure, chronic fatigue, cholesterol, inflammation, and sleep disorders. Here are some of the notable results:

More than 90 percent of study subjects with colon and bowel trouble found that taking Chlorella helped improve these uncomfortable and embarrassing conditions!

Nearly 40 percent of patients in this study maintained healthy blood pressure levels while taking this pure whole food Chlorella every day for two months. Better yet, all of the patients were able to keep their cholesterol levels healthy and balanced at the same time.

Nearly 70 percent of clinical trial participants with chronic muscle concerns, tendon and ligament problems, morning stiffness, and recurring headaches saw an improvement in their conditiions.

We now are able to supply our own certified organic chlorella powder at the best price in New Zealand.

Coconut Oil

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 According to Mary Enig, Ph.D., the world's leading expert on fats and oils:

"Coconut oil has a unique role in the diet as an important physiologically functional food. The health and nutritional benefits that can be derived from consuming coconut oil have been recognized in many parts of the world for centuries.

A review of the diet/heart disease literature relevant to coconut oil clearly indicates that coconut oil is at worst neutral with respect to atherogenicity of fats and oils, and in fact is likely to be a beneficial oil for prevention and treatment of some heart disease.

Additionally, coconut oil provides a source of antimicrobial lipids for individuals with compromised immune systems, and is a non-promoting fat with respect to chemical carcinogenesis."


Is The Coconut Oil Heated in its Processing?
No - not at any stage in the manufacturing process. Commercial coconut oils, by contrast, undergo steam deodorization at temperatures of around 400 degrees.

Is Virgin Coconut Oil Destroyed by Heat? What about Enzymes?
Coconut oil is NOT destroyed or changed chemically in anyway from its original form by using low heat. Unlike other plant oils, the medium chain fatty acids are very resistant to any change via heat. Even commercial oils heated to a very high temperature have their medium chain fatty acids kept in tact. This makes coconut oil one of the best oils to use in cooking, because it does not break down easily.

Many have expressed concern that even low-level heat can destroy enzymes and other beneficial nutrients in coconut oil. But one needs to consider that this is a tropical oil from a tropical plant grown in a very hot climate. The oil inside an airtight coconut still growing high up on a coconut tree will already see temperatures up to 50 degrees C during its growing season. Laboratory tests done on VCO, for example, have shown levels of Vitamin E that are 30 times more than commercial refined coconut oil. As to enzymes, they are present in the coconut meat but not in the oil. One would not want enzymes in the oil as it would break down the oil and cause it to go rancid. So there is no coconut oil on the market that would contain enzymes. You need to eat a coconut fresh off the tree to benefit from plant enzymes. All plant-based oils are separated from the plants they grew in, and do not contain appreciable amounts of enzymes.

So it is a myth that there are coconut oils on the market that are "live" and "see no heat." Coconuts are native to the tropics, where temperatures are very hot.  Any coconut oil distributed anywhere has "seen heat."

 Requirements for Healthy and Safe Coconut Oil


 Our Virgin Coconut Oil



 No refining


 No bleaching


 No deodorisation


 No hydrogenation




 Coconuts from traditional palms only - no hybrid varieties


 From fresh coconuts - not the dried "copra" used in most coconut oils


 Safe packaging - glass bottles & non-leaching plastic tubs


Coconut Oil - Virgin - Raw Planet - Organic - Sri Lanka - in glass jars

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We are now pleased to be able to supply totally raw Organic Virgin Coconut Oil.

Characteristics of Our Organic Virgin Coconut Oil

Our Virgin Coconut Oil is a truly unrefined raw coconut oil made from organic coconuts.

How is This Oil Used?

Virgin Coconut Oil is a food, and is one of the best cooking oils you can use. It has been a staple cooking oil for thousands of years in tropical climates. As a cooking oil, its chemical structure is kept intact and therefore is resistant to mutations of fatty acid chains even when used in higher cooking temperatures, unlike most vegetable oils. Research shows that the medium chain fatty acids found in coconut oil boosts the body's metabolism, raises body temperatures, and helps provide greater energy which can lead to weight loss.

Virgin Coconut contains lauric acid which is also found in human mother's milk.  Dr. Mary Enig, PhD, a world expert on oils and fats, suggests the average adult include about 3.5 tablespoons of coconut oil per day in their diet.

 According to Mary Enig, Ph.D., the world's leading expert on fats and oils:

"Coconut oil has a unique role in the diet as an important physiologically functional food. The health and nutritional benefits that can be derived from consuming coconut oil have been recognized in many parts of the world for centuries.

A review of the diet/heart disease literature relevant to coconut oil clearly indicates that coconut oil is at worst neutral with respect to atherogenicity of fats and oils, and in fact is likely to be a beneficial oil for prevention and treatment of some heart disease.

Additionally, coconut oil provides a source of antimicrobial lipids for individuals with compromised immune systems, and is a non-promoting fat with respect to chemical carcinogenesis."


Is The Coconut Oil Heated in its Processing?
No - not at any stage in the manufacturing process. Commercial coconut oils, by contrast, undergo steam deodorization at temperatures of around 400 degrees.

Is Virgin Coconut Oil Destroyed by Heat? What about Enzymes?
Coconut oil is NOT destroyed or changed chemically in anyway from its original form by using low heat. Unlike other plant oils, the medium chain fatty acids are very resistant to any change via heat. Even commercial oils heated to a very high temperature have their medium chain fatty acids kept in tact. This makes coconut oil one of the best oils to use in cooking, because it does not break down easily.

Many have expressed concern that even low-level heat can destroy enzymes and other beneficial nutrients in coconut oil. But one needs to consider that this is a tropical oil from a tropical plant grown in a very hot climate. The oil inside an airtight coconut still growing high up on a coconut tree will already see temperatures up to 50 degrees C during its growing season. Laboratory tests done on VCO, for example, have shown levels of Vitamin E that are 30 times more than commercial refined coconut oil. As to enzymes, they are present in the coconut meat but not in the oil. One would not want enzymes in the oil as it would break down the oil and cause it to go rancid. So there is no coconut oil on the market that would contain enzymes. You need to eat a coconut fresh off the tree to benefit from plant enzymes. All plant-based oils are separated from the plants they grew in, and do not contain appreciable amounts of enzymes.

So it is a myth that there are coconut oils on the market that are "live" and "see no heat." Coconuts are native to the tropics, where temperatures are very hot.  Any coconut oil distributed anywhere has "seen heat."

 Requirements for Healthy and Safe Coconut Oil


 Our Virgin Coconut Oil



 No refining


 No bleaching


 No deodorisation


 No hydrogenation




 Coconuts from traditional palms only - no hybrid varieties


 From fresh coconuts - not the dried "copra" used in most coconut oils


 Safe packaging - glass bottles & non-leaching plastic tubs


We are pleased to offer raw organic certified virgin coconut oil from Sri Lanka which is processed raw by centrifuge & has a very mild flavour & sweet taste.

Coconut Water Powder - Instant - Uncertified Organic - Philippines - Raw Planet

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Sorry - out of stock.  Please email us at to be notified when it comes back into stock.

Goji Berries - Organic - Raw Planet

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The Goji berry is a deep-red, dried fruit about the same size as a raisin. It's very sweet and tastes something like a cross between a cranberry and a cherry. We love adding them to smoothies, trail-mix, cereals, especially our buckola, and eating them on just their own or with cacao beans.

Nicknamed the "happy berry" for its ability to restore a person's vitality, there are more than forty different types of berries that are often referred to as goji berries..

Loving Earth Organic Goji Berries are certified organic Goji Berries. They are grown in a pristine, certified organic part of the Ningxia autonomous region, located between Tibet and Inner Mongolia. The goji berry is sacred to the people of this remote autonomous region and they hold a special festival every year to honor and celebrate the life giving qualities of this extraordinary berry.

Are you wondering how a tiny red berry can have such a positive effect on your health?
    * To start, the goji berry is higher in antioxidants than any other known food.
    * The goji berry contains 18 amino acids – the building blocks for protein.
    * The goji berry contains over 12 times more protein than apples, oranges, or strawberries.
    * The goji berry is a better source of beta-carotene than carrots themselves.
    * 21 trace minerals, including Germanium
    * 6 essential fatty acids including Linoleic acid, which significantly promotes body fat loss
    * Vitamins B1, B2, B6, E
    * 500 times more Vitamin C than oranges
    * 4 Unique Polysaccharides (Master Molecules) found in no other food source
    * 15 times more nutritional iron than spinach
    *  Beta Sitosterol: An anti-inflammatory agent found to lower cholesterol, and used to treat sexual impotence and prostrate enlargement.
    *  Zeaxanthin and Lutine: Valued for their role in protecting the eyes.
    *  Betaine: Used by the liver to produce Choline which assists detoxification reactions in the liver. Betaine is known to protect DNA, enhance
       memory, promote muscle growth and protects us from fatty liver disease.
    *  Cyperone: A sesquiterpene used in treatment of cervical cancer. It is also known to benefit heart and blood pressure problems as well as
        menstruation problems.
    *  Solavetivone: A powerful anti-fungal and anti-bacterial agent.
    *  Physalin: A natural compound that boosts the immune system. Found to be effective in treating leukaemia, hepatitis B and cancer.

Goji Berry Antioxidants  
Free radicals damage cells and DNA, increase the cancer risk, and accelerate the aging rocess. The more antioxidants, the more effective the neutralizing capacity is in slowing down the aging process. If free radicals go unchecked, they can even attack and damage DNA, possibly causing deformation and mutation of the blueprinted cells.
Immunity Enhancer
Due to aging, the body's immune system often becomes dysfunctional, where in immune cells can have difficulty recognizing the difference between the body's cells and foreign cells. This can lead to auto-immune problems. The polysaccharides found in Goji berries have been known to inhibit three kinds of inflammation. These polysaccharides were also found to stimulate the interleukin-2 and gamma interferon, which are anti-inflammatory and induce immune responses.
The ORAC Test is a standardized test adopted by the US. Department of Agriculture to measure the Total Antioxidant Potency of foods and nutritional supplements. The antioxidant capacity of the blood seems to be tightly regulated.  A significant increase in antioxidants of 15 to 20 percent is possible by increasing consumption of fruits and vegetables, particularly those high in ORAC value.  Dr. Cao and Dr. Prior of the Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University have established a recommended 5,000 ORAC Units Daily to have a significant impact on plasma and tissue antioxidant capacity and for helping prevent certain age related diseases.

ORAC Scale: Orac Units per 100g
Egg plant – 390
Corn – 400
Onion – 450
Grapefruit – 483
Kiwi fruit – 602
Cherries – 670
Red bell pepper – 710
Red grapes – 739
Oranges – 750
Beets – 840
Broccoli – 890
Alfalfa sprouts – 930
Plums – 949
Brussel sprouts – 980
Raspberries – 1220
Spinach – 1260
Stawberries – 1540
Kale - 1770
Black berries – 2036
Blueberries – 2400
Raisins – 2830
Prunes – 5770
HIMALAYAN GOJI JUICE 90% concentrate - 18,999

Dried Goji berries and Human Growth Hormone 
Goji berries are known to have a unique polysaccharide that stimulates the pituitary gland in the anterior of the brain to produce more Human Growth Hormone, the master hormone in our bodies. HGH is know to slow down, and even reverse some of the effects of aging. For centuries, people in Asia that have customarily eaten Goji berries have been documented to live longer and healthier lives with little or no incidence of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimers disease, fibromyalgia, lupus, multiple scirosis, or a host of other "dread" diseases that are afflicting many of the Industrialized Nations of the world.

Professor Li Qing Yuen is documented as being the oldest person to have ever lived in recorded history. Born in 1678 and living to 1930, he was documented by the Government of China as having lived to 252 years of age. Twice he received Longevity Awards from the Government. It is said he ate Goji berries on a regular daily basis.

More Benefits
Goji berries have been traditionally regarded as a longevity, strength-building, and sexual potency food of the highest order.  The goji berry was celebrated as early as the first century A.D. by Shen Nong Ben Cao in the Divine Farmer's Handbook of Natural Medicine (one of the most important texts in the history of Chinese medicine).

 "Lycium [the goji berry] tonifies jing [vital energy] and qi [breath] and strengthens the yin tao [capacity for physical exercise]."
  - Tao Hong Jing, Commentary on the Divine Farmer's Handbook of Natural Medicine

Recently, in several study groups with elderly people, goji berries were given once a day for 3 weeks.  Many beneficial results were experienced and 67% of the patients T cell transformation functions tripled and the activity of the patients white cell interleukin-2 doubled. In addition, the results showed that all the patients spirit and optimism increased significantly, appetite improved in 95% of the patients, 95% of the patients slept better, and 35% of the patients partially recovered their sexual function.

Many people who now eat Goji berries on a daily basis notice improved eyesight, restoration of hair color, improved libido, mood enhancement, noticeable improvement in energy levels, better sleeping habits, and more zest for life.

 "Pang jia [goji berries] cure illness related to the heart and clear heat [discomfort and illness] within the body."
  - Gama Rangjunduojie, Tibetan Medical Doctor

The plants grow like bushes with vines that reach over 15 feet. The berries are never touched by hand as they will oxidize and turn black if touched while fresh. They are shaken onto mats, and then dried in the shade. These berries are grown without pesticides or other chemicals in one of the purest places on earth.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

1. What quantities of Goji Berries should I consume daily?

The Tibetan Medical College in Lhasa Tibet recommends 5 - 25 grams daily as being the recommended daily adult dose for general well being. For those with illness of those feeling unwell or with particularly low energy the The Tibetan Medical college recommends a minimum of 15 grams daily and up to 30 grams daily.

2. How should I eat the Goji's?
Go ahead and enjoy our wonderful Goji Berries straight out of the pack. Another great way is to make a cup of Goji Tea. Boil up some water and pour over 10-15 Goji Berries at the bottom of your cup, let sit for 3-5 minutes or until cool enough to drink and savour your freshly made cup of Goji Tea. Goji Berries are great as a snack or pick me up any time day or night. In the morning they are also great on Muesli, in yogurt or added to fruit salad.  Add Gojis to salads, smoothies, cookies, muffins and cakes. Some very cool bars and nightclubs are even introducing Goji Berry Martinis and having them on their bar counters instead of nuts and other nibbles. Many health clubs are also handing out Goji Berries to their valued members and guests after fitness classes and workout sessions.

3. How should I keep my Goji's fresh?
Gojis can be kept in the resealable plastic bage either in the fridge or in the pantry or store in a glass container.

4. Are any additives or preservatives added to the Goji Berries?
No, absolutely not, We don't like them, refuse to use them and would never spoil our wonderful Goji Berries with preservatives or anything unnatural.

5. Are your berries irradiated as are many other fruits that are imported from overseas?
Absolutely not. We insist that that our product is never irradiated by quarantine in any country. Our Berries are naturally shadedried in wonderful Ningxia countryside  on mats that enable our wonderful berries to soak up the pristine and pure Himalayan air.

6.  What is the difference between whole Goji Berries and Goji Juice?
Whole berries are whole food containing proteins, essential fatty acids, and have no depleted nutrients that can occur when a fruit is juiced. Many Goji Juices on the market contain preservatives, added sugars, fillers such as Apple & Pear juice and are high in sugars.

Choice (Australian Consumer) has tested goji juices in Australia including Himalayan Goji Juice 90% concentrate and found only a very low ORAC rating of 18,999 compared to Tibet Authentic Goji Berries of 27,500.  Many juices contain only 20% goji juice concentrate.

7. Can pregnant women consume Goji Berries?
Absolutely! During pregnancy it is important to increase vitamin and nutrient intake and the Tibetan Medical College recommends at least 10g daily for pregnant women.

9. Can children enjoy Goji Berries?
Absolutely! Children need the goodness of vitamins and nutrients and the Tibetan Medical College recommends that children enjoy up to 5 gram daily of Goji berries.

Nutrition Information
Serving Size: 20g


Per Serve

Per 100g







Fat, total



 - saturated





   - sugars









Vitamin C



Serving Suggestions:  The indigenous mountain people who grow these berries eat them by the handful and say the best way to start the day is with a handful of gojis. It is recommended to eat at least 10 grams a day, which is approximately a handful. However you can eat as much as you like - straight from the packet.They are also delicious in a trail mix with raw cacao nibs - there is a great flavour synergy between the bitterness of the cacao and the sweetness of the gojis. Add to your  cereal, juice or smoothie.  Soak in cold water in a jar in the fridge to soften, making them easier to chew.

Sizes & Packaging:  250g, 500g & 1kg in standup resealable ziplock plastic pouches. 2Kg - 10kg bags are also available.

Video of Nutritional Properties of Hemp Seeds

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An Integrative Medicine Nutritionist, MaryBeth Augustine describes the nutritional profile of Hempseed Oil; the Therapeutic role of EFAs (Essential Fatty Acids);and a comparison of Hemp Oil to Fish Oil, Flaxseed Oil and Soybean Oil. Presented to 2002 Cannabis Therapeutics Conference, hosted by Patients Out of Time.

Hemp Seed

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About Hemp
Hemp has been called the perfect plant.  Hemp seed oil contains what is considered to be an ideal ratio of Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids- 3:1, perfectly matching the needs of the human body. In addition to the EFAs hemp seed provides, it is also one of the richest sources of amino acids. Along with the EFAs, these two components are responsible for keratin formation, the primary protein that gives your hair structural integrity.

Hemp is quite simply, nature's health and beauty secret - and the secret is in the seed. Hemp seed oil and extract offer many benefits useful in personal care products. The reason hemp is so effective is largely because of the essential fatty acids (EFAs) it contains. More than 75% of the EFAs in hemp seed oil are poly-unsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), known for their excellent emollient and lubricating properties.

Facts on hemp
The hulled hempseed does not contain any Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). (THC is normally stored in the fleshy parts of the plant, especially the leaves. None is contained in the seeds, flowers, or roots of the plant.)

Hemp seed can be processed, much like soy, into many nutritious foods and cosmetic ingredients. Hemp seed is far more nutritious than even soybean oil and though it contains less total protein, it is far more digestible to humans.

Hemp seed contains, on average: 25% protein, 30% carbohydrates, 15% insoluble fibre, 30% oil, the nutrients carotene, phosphorous, potassium, magnesium, sulphur, calcium, iron, zinc, and the vitamins E, C, B1, B2, B3, and B6. Hemp seed also is one of the few seeds to contain Omega-6 and Omega-3 Linoleic acid, commonly found in fish and useful to the immune system.

Hemp oil has been found to be a highly nutritious, essential hair and skin aid for protection, growth and anti-aging.

Hemp has excellent healing and moisturising properties.

Because of its EFA profile, hemp seed oil instantly counteracts the effects of degreasing and dehydration, conditions that produce dry skin and hair.

In addition to improving the structural quality of the hair, hemp seed oil's high lipid content helps increase elasticity, volume, combability and shine. Hemp is used as fibre for rope, twine, tough cloth, and paper as well as other products where wood pulp is currently used.
Hemp could help preserve natural resources. For instance, hemp used for paper would replenish itself in 90 days instead of the 20-40 years required to grow trees. An acre of hemp can produce 4 times the amount of paper that an acre of trees can produce.

Hemp requires no herbicides or pesticides for cultivation and refertilises soil naturally making the ground useful for future crops.

History of hemp
Hemp has been in continual use by human civilization for at least 10,000 years.  The first written record of cannabis was supposedly penned by one of the early Chinese emperors around 2700 B.C.  Islamic/Arabic empires created Europe's first paper mill utilizing hemp in about 1150 A.D.  In 1563 A.D., as part of the economic and military build-up of the time (80 years war), Queen Elizabeth I orders all land owners with 60 acres or more to grow Cannabis or face a £5 fine.

For centuries the fibre of the hemp plant has been used for rope, sails and other textiles.  Early drafts of The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution were written on hemp paper.

George Washington and Thomas Jefferson both farmed hemp crops – the colonists were legally bound to grow hemp as one of their crops and could use hemp to pay their taxes. During times of shortage, farmers were sent to jail for not growing hemp.

In 1941 Popular Mechanics introduced Henry Ford's new plastic car, manufactured from and fuelled by hemp (an early bio diesel variant). Hoping to break the petroleum industries' monopoly of control on his company, Ford illegally grew hemp for over a year.

The 1942 Japanese invasion of the Philippines cut off the US supply of Manila hemp, among other vital resources. The US government distributed over 400,000 pounds of hempseed to farmers in order to limit the supply gap as much as possible, subsidizing hemp cultivation during WWII. American farmers grew about a million acres as part of that program.

In New Zealand hemp businesses began to appear, in more recent times, during the early to mid 1990s. Hemp product availability has continued to grow ever since.

By 2004, a few U.S. states had again legalised production of industrial hemp and this continues to grow.  In 2005, for the first time a New Zealand hemp seed oil was available in health stores and outlets. Last year, a successful venture by two Canterbury businesses culminated, in March of 2006 with the first harvest of Hemp on a commercial scale in New Zealand. The crop was grown spray free and required very little irrigation.

Hemp seed oil is considered to be the most nutritional of all oils available. It has a plethora of medicinal, nutritional, and cosmetic uses, making it a wonderful multi-purpose ingredient. It has been used for many years medicinally, and was even used during Ming Dynasty by the Chinese under the name of Ma Zi.

Hemp seed oil provides the body with complete protein, nutrition, and with all the essential amino acids necessary for health and wellness.

Medicinal and cosmetic use
Hemp seed oil is a highly nutritious food, and contains antioxidants, protein, carotene, phytosterols, phospholipids, as well as a number of minerals including calcium, magnesium, sulfur, potassium, iron, zinc, and phosphorus. It is a source of complete protein and contains all 20 known amino acids, including the nine essential amino acids. It also contains Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, D, and E. The green color in hemp seed oil is a result of the high level of chlorophyll which is naturally present in the seeds.

Perhaps the most valued property of hemp seed oil is its percentage of essential fatty acids, which is higher than any other plant in the world. It contains both Omega-6 and Omega-3 essential fatty acids, in a proportion of 3:1. This proportion is the recommended balance of Omega-6 to Omega-3 acids, making it a simple perfect way to complete your diet.

Essential fatty acids are necessary for our health, and are responsible for the lustre in our skin, hair, eyes, transferring oxygen to every cell in our body, and even the clarity in our thought processes. They also lubricate and clear the arteries, strengthen the immune system, and help prevent viruses and other threats to our immune system. Essential fatty acids are not produced by the human body. Instead, they must be obtained from food sources.

Specifically, hemp seed oil has been shown to assist with the following medical conditions:
• Eczema
• Psoriasis
• Acne
• Osteoporosis
• Menopause
• Cancer
• Multiple sclerosis
• Rheumatoid arthritis
• Premenstrual symptoms
• High cholesterol
• High blood pressure
• Weight loss
• Poor circulation
• Crohn's disease
• Cardiovascular disease
• Gall stones
• Kidney degeneration
• Dry skin
• Immune deficiency
• Irregular hormone levels
• HIV virus
• Tuberculosis
• Low energy levels
• Low metabolism
• Dry skin and hair conditions


In cosmetic and body-care products, hemp seed oil is anti-inflammatory, anti-ageing, balances dry skin, fights skin inflammations, helps heal skin lesions, has antioxidants, and contains moisture balancing properties. The oil is non-greasy, readily absorbs into the pores, is an emollient, and has rejuvenating and moisturising properties for the skin. Adult users of hemp seed oil have reported softer skin, and stronger nails and hair after only a few weeks of using 1-2 tablespoons per day. The vitamins and minerals present in hemp- seed oil are easily absorbed through the skin, resulting in a more vitamin and mineral-enriched body-care product.

Usage instructions
The pleasantly nutty taste of hemp seed oil makes it easy to incorporate into your culinary recipes. In one tablespoon, you will receive 2.5 grams of Omega-3 fatty acids, 8 grams of Omega-6 fatty acids, and 2 grams of Omega-9 fatty acids - a perfect balance. No other single source oil has this ideal combination of essential fatty acids. Hemp seed oil is easily digestible in its raw state. It contains less than 10% saturated fats, and 70-80% polyunsaturated fatty acids, the highest of any vegetable oil . This is an unusually high level of the good oils, making this oil beneficial for culinary use. In culinary use, the oil will not clog arteries, as do saturated and trans fatty acids or shortenings.

This oil should not be fried, and should preferably be used cold. It may easily be added to salad dressings, pasta, vegetables, smoothies, soups, sauces, hummus, guacamole, pesto, or other foods after the heating/baking has been completed. If you must heat the oil, it may be gently heated for a short period of time.

Unlike flaxseed oil, hempseed oil can be used continuously without developing a deficiency or other imbalance of EFAs. This has been demonstrated in a clinical study, where the daily ingestion of flaxseed oil decreased the endogenous production of GLA.

Hemp seed oil may be added to any body-care or cosmetic product, including creams, lotions, facial or body oils, massage oils, shampoo, conditioner, shaving products, lip balm, soap, and any other product. In hair care products, it  increases elasticity, manageability, and shine.

Recent Canadian research has shown this oil to possibly be effective as a broad-spectrum ultraviolet skin sunscreen.

Hempseed Oil - Pure Cold-Pressed Extra Virgin - Organic Uncertified - NZ

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We are pleased to offer the high quality culinary hemp seed oil, created from the finest locally harvested hemp.

Hempseed oil is a miracle of nature. Its unique properties offer fantastic nutritional, health and skin-care benefits...and good taste has never been so fabulous.

Rich, nutty and delicate in flavour, this oil contains the only naturally-occurring and perfectly balanced nutritional balance of Essential Fatty Acids, Omega 6 and Omega 3. Hempseed oil is just now coming on the market and supercedes all existing oils that have been used to obtain EFAs in the past (ie flax seed oil, evening primrose oil and borage oil) - what's more, it's the first delicious edible oil to accomplish this.

We now have two blends of hemp oil available:

Mild - very sweet & mild
Tasty - This oil has a stronger nuttier flavour.

Hempseed oil is cold-pressed to ensure that key nutrients, enzymes and acids are not destroyed and health benefits are maximised.

A delicious full-flavoured salad, drizzling and dipping oil, hemega3™ hempseed oil is a fresh and very healthy alternative. hempseed oil is recommended as a base for salad dressings and pasta oils and it enhances the flavour of fish, seafood, meats and vegetables.

The human body uses fatty acids from food for building tissues and for specialised functions such as the production of prostaglandins, localised tissue hormones. One major group of fatty acids is called essential fatty acids, which are polyunsaturated, and include two major groups, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. They are called “essential” because the body cannot make them and thus, must obtain them from food sources.

Hemp seed oil is the only edible seed oil to contain over 80% polyunsaturated EFA's and boasts not only the optimum ratio of Omega 3 and Omega 6, but also GLA and SDA.

What is the 'optimum Omega ratio' all about?
Research data suggests that the optimum ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 for the ultimate human health ranges from 3:1 to 5:1. The World Health Organisation (Sweden/Japan) recognises this optimum ratio to be 3:1. Studies in western populations today show that a typical diet has a ratio range of 10:1 to 20:1 - see illustration >

It is likely that excess refined foods, dairy and a lack of whole foods have contributed to this lack of balance, and in turn, our failing health. Through adjusting our diet to allow more natural intake of these EFA's, we can improve our cellular health and maximise long-term vitality.

What about GLA and SDA Essential Fatty Acids?
Incorporating GLA and SDA into our diets helps our bodies assimilate fatty acids (ie the omegas). The edibility of hemp seed oil is particularly beneficial as an alternative to other GLA rich sources (ie sunflower or evening primrose oil). Adding GLA to the diet seems to lower risks of heart attacks because omega-3 fatty acids reduce the clotting tendency of the blood and improve cholesterol profiles. They also have a natural anti-inflammatory effect, making GLA and SDA useful for people with arthritis and autoimmune disorders

Health Benefits of Hemp Seed Oil
Essential fatty acids perform a major role in the human body, and we must obtain them from food sources to derive the health benefits as listed below:

Hormonal Balance
Hemp is the only edible seed containing GLA and magnesium-rich chlorophyll, both which are beneficial in helping with PMS conditions including breast tenderness, bloating, cramping and other discomforts.

Cardiovascular Tonic
Omega-3 oils have been shown in hundreds of studies to lower triglycerides and cholesterol levels - they are also effective in decreasing blood pressure, platelet stickiness and fibrinogen levels. Numerous studies have shown that the substitution of polyunsaturated fats for saturated fats can reduce the risk of sudden cardiac arrest and high blood cholosterol levels. Research has found that for every 1% increase in omega-3, there was a 5mm Hg decrease in systolic, diastolic and mean blood pressure. These EFA's, especially GLA, have also been found beneficial in both treating and offering protection against various cancers.

Inflammation + Allergies
Omega-3 helps produce PG3 (prostaglandin 3 series), the anti-inflammatory chemicals that work as local hormones in the human body. Numerous studies show that EFAs have positive results in the treatment of many chronic diseases including eczema, itchy skin, acne, psoriasis, lupus and ulcerative colitis.

Key fatty acids found in hemp seed oil provide long-term support and maintenance of arthritic conditions, including rheumatoid athritis.

Metabolism + Nerve
The omega-3 fatty acids help nerve cells communicate with each other, which is an essential step in maintaining good mental health. EFAs have been shown to work with oxygen and enhance electron transport, key activities in energy output within the cell as well as enhance nerve cell insulation.

Skin Health
Hemp seed oil provides EFAs necessary for maintaining health and flexible skin cell membranes as well as exerting anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties.

EFAs enhance immune function, speed up the rate of immune reactions, help to re-establish population control over intestinal bacteria and improve cellular energy for removing waster materials.

Physical Performance
Omega-3 fatty acids help support the cardiovascular system during exercise and also reduce the negative effect of intense exercise on the immune system.

The hemp is grown organically & processed without chemicals & under 45 degrees Celsius. Organic certification will be applied for at some time in the future.


Hempseed Oil - Pure Cold-Pressed Extra Virgin - Mild - Organic Uncertified - In dark glass bottle - NZ

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Hempseed Oil - Pure Cold-Pressed Extra Virgin - Tasty - Organic Uncertified - In dark glass bottle - NZ

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This oil has a stronger nuttier flavour.

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Lucuma Powder - Raw Planet - Organic

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Lúcuma (Loo-Ku-Mah) whole fruit powder is our favourite gourmet addition to all raw sweeties! It's got a rich, creamy texture and will turn your raw food creations into gourmet heavenly delights. Lúcuma powder is really versatile and tasty, blending easily and well with ice-creams, baby food, yogurts, pies, cakes, cookies, smoothies, chocolate bars and desserts of all kinds.

Lúcuma is a nutrient dense fruit from Peru. Lúcuma's posh title is lúcuma obovata or pouteria obovata. The tree is long lived, evergreen, and belongs to the Sapotaceae family -- so it's similar to the canistel and sapote. It smells divine, and tastes like maple syrup flavoured ice-cream! In Peru, the yellowy-orange fruit pulp is added to ice-cream and is Peru's favourite flavour.

Lúcuma fruit is an excellent source of carbohydrates, fibre, vitamins and minerals. It has lots of beta-carotene, niacin (B3) and iron.

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A Special Thanks

Purchasing this product will mean that a donation will be made through the Amazon Support Initiative to a local community in the Amazon to support projects that help promote the wellbeing and sustainable development of these communities. You have our thanks for your support in buying through us and helping to achieve these goals.


This exotic Peruvian fruit is also known as the "Gold of the Incas", and is also one of the lost crops of the Incas. Peruvian culture is steeped in traditions rich in fine foods and cultural culinary delights. The Lúcuma name has been honored both spiritually and culinary since ancient times. Today, this fruit is still prominent in contemporary celebrations.

The Lúcuma tree was first seen and reported by Europeans in Ecuador in 1531. Archaeologists have found it frequently depicted on ceramics at burial sites of the indigenous people of coastal Peru. It is native and cultivated in the highlands of western Chile and Peru and possibly southeastern Ecuador where it is known to have been cultivated since ancient times. It is grown also, to a limited extent, in the Andes of eastern Bolivia and the fruit is sold in the markets of La Paz. It is most popular in central Chile, less so in Ecuador. In 1776, it was reported as planted only in the warmest parts of northern Chile. In 1912, there were a few trees growing in gardens around San José, Costa Rica where the lucmo was introduced by returning exiles in the first half of the 19th Century. In 1915, O.F. Cook collected seeds at Ollantaytambo, Peru, for the United States Department of Agriculture (S.P.I. #41332). In January of 1922, Wilson Popenoe introduced seeds from Santiago, Chile (S.P.I. #54653). There have been several attempts to grow the tree in southern Florida. It has not lived long. One specimen actually bore fruit at the Fairchild Tropical Garden, developed galls, and eventually succumbed. Lúcuma grows well in parts of Mexico and Hawaii but the fruit is not widely favoured.

Nutrition Information
Serving Size 10g

Per Serve

Per 100g







Fat, total


















Ascorbic Acid






In addition Lucuma has various types of sugar: in 100g of dry pulp you find 8.4g of glucose, fructose 4.7g, sucrose 1.7g and inostol 0.06g.

Serving Suggestions: Just add a spoonful to your favourite raw desserts, bars or smoothies. Make a coulis from lúcuma and raw agave nectar. Yummy!!!

Maca Root Powder - Raw Planet - Organic

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Maca (Lepidium Peruvianum Chacon) is a Peruvian root vegetable that looks very much like a turnip or radish. It is grown in the Junin district of the peruvian andes at an altitude of between 4,100 and 4,500 m above sea level, a region of intense sunlight, winds and below freezing temperatures, where no other crops can survive.

Maca is considered to be one the best natural foods due to its excellent and scientifically tested properties.

Health benefits of Maca:
Maca contains high amounts of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, all the essential amino acids and it contains nearly 60 phytochemicals. The extraordinary health benefits of Maca are due to the way it promotes optimal functioning of the hypothalamus and pituitary master glands. Maca contains unique alkaloids that stimulate the master glands, which in turn improves the overall functioning of the endocrine system.

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A Special Thanks

Purchasing this product will mean that a donation will be made through the Amazon Support Initiative to a local community in the Amazon to support projects that help promote the wellbeing and sustainable development of these communities. You have our thanks for your support in buying through us and helping to achieve these goals.

Maca was originally domesticated by the Pumpush people of Junin in Peru, a pre-incan culture, who subsisted on it as their main staple crop. Maca plant was domesticated about 2,000 years ago by the Incas; primitive cultivars of maca have been found in archaeological sites dating back as far as 1,600 B.C.

The plant is grown from seed and root maturation generally occurs within seven months. Its appearance may be described as a shrub with a low-growing, mat-like stem arrangement, small, off­white flowers, and scalloped leaves. The root can be one of several colors (cream, cream-purple, purple or black) and is of comparable shape to a turnip or radish.

Traditionally, native medicine practitioners and herbalists have recommended maca for:
*  Treating menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and depression, as an alternative to hormone replacement therapy [HRT]
*  Stimulating and regulating the endocrine system
*   Regulating and normalizing menstrual cycles
*  Stimulating fertility in both men and women
*  Supporting the immune system
*  Increasing energy, stamina and endurance, reducing chronic fatigue
*  Enhancing libido, treating impotence
*  Revitalizing seniors, mentally and physically

We are pleased to offer gelatinised maca as well as normal maca powder.  The gelatinised maca is put through a heated extrusion process after harvest and before it is milled. During the gelatinization process, long chains of starches contained in the Maca Root powder are unfolded, increasing the digestibility degree, also known as Gelatinization Index, which, in the case of our product reaches up to a 98+% index. This process concentrates the active ingredients which means you can absorb more of the essential nutrients.

How does Maca Work?
Maca, like Ginseng, is an adaptogen and therefore adapts to your bodies metabolism and particular needs to achieve an overall sense of wellbeing and optimal functioning. Through balancing and optimizing the functioning of the hypothalamus and pituitary master glands it also balances and optimizes the functioning of the adrenal glands, the thyroid and the pancreas. Because the levels of oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone are optimized this in turn helps regulate ovarian function and enables the adrenals to produce enough hormones to avoid symptoms during menopause.

Due to this overall affect of maca on the hormonal system and high level of protein it also acts as an effective whole food mucsle building agent.

Maca also remineralizes the body, due to its high mineral content, making up for the lack of minerals in modern diets and conventionally grown fruit and vegetables. Maca has such a high mineral content due to the soils and environment in which it is grown. The cooperative of indigenous maca growers who grow our maca leave the soil fallow for 5 years after each maca crop so that the soils regenerate completely with minerals.

Nutrition Information
Raw and Organic Maca Powder
Serving Size 5g


Per Serve

Per 100g







Fat, total



   - saturated






   - sugars






- Can Sugar free
- Gluten free
- Fair Trade
- Dairy free
- Low GI
- Vegan

Ingredients: Organic Maca Powder

For the ancient Incans and modern day Peruvians, especially in the Junin district of the Andes, maca is a staple food. So you can eat as much as you like, the more you eat the more energy and overall vigour you will experience. Maca is non-toxic, has no dangerous side affects and no withdrawal symptoms. So the quantity you can take really depends on what you want to achieve. This is why we do not put Maca into capsules and why we make it available at an affordable price so that people can consume it in appropriate quantities and experience the full benefit.

To start off with we recommend 1 teaspoon (if you feel a little queazy in the stomach reduce it to 1/2 a teaspoon for several days until your body adjusts to it). Then you can build up to 25g a day or approximately 5 teaspoons.

The only warning we have is that if you have a partner and you are taking lots of maca we recommend that your partner also take maca as it is a potent aphrodisiac - if you are concerned about this then just reduce the amount you are taking.

Serving Suggestions
Maca has a distinctive malt like flavour. Some people like eating it straight as it is by the spoonful. As maca dissolves easily you can mix it into juices, smoothies and other recipes

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Maqui Berry Powder - Raw Planet Organic: in foil bag

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Considered the highest anti-oxidant fruit on the planet, Loving Earth's Maqui is a deep purple berry wild harvested in the pristine conditions of Southern Chile. The harsh climate of the Patagonian region is credited with increasing the anthocyanin level of fruits and berries grown in that area, and this is seen in Macqui's ORAC score of 319,265 uMol TE per 100g.

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Maqui is a native South America evergreen shrub that grows in dense thickets from 3–5 m in height and which reaches maturity between December and March. It is a dioecious plant that belongs to the family Elaeocarpaceae and produces small edible purple berries, about 6 mm in diameter, that are eaten fresh or used for juice, jams or wine-making. The plant prefers slightly acidic, moderately fertile and well-drained soils. It grows rapidly with adequate moisture and readily colonises abandoned, burned or over-exploited soils, thus protecting them from erosion. The intense red colour of the aqueous extract of its fruit is due to the presence of anthocyanin pigments causing it to be used as a natural dye. The leaves and fruits are astringent and have been used in Chilean folk medicine as anti-diarrhoeic, anti-inflammatory, anti-haemorrhagic and febrifuge.

The Mapuche Indian tribe is the only tribe in the Americas (northern and southerncontinents) that were not conquered by any European Countries. According to the Conquistadors, the Mapuche warriors ate very little solid food and drank a fermented beverage made from Maqui Berries several times a day, which may have contributed to the extraordinary strength and stamina that the warriors exhibited. The Mapuche Indians have used Maqui Berry leaves, stems, fruits and wine medicinally for thousands of years. Maqui Berries has been traditionally used by the Mapache Indians for sore throat, diarrhea, ulcers, haemorrhoids, birth-delivery, fever, tumors and other ailments.

Maqui powder is obtained from freeze-drying and milling the frozen 100% pure Maqui berry fruit.

The Maqui fruit is obtained from an indigenous Chilean plant known as the Maqui or Chilean Wineberry Tree (Aristotelia chilensis).The berries are then washed and frozen at a minimum of -35 degrees C, before being crushed, pureed and having their seeds removed. Finally, the fruit is freeze-dried and ground into powdered form.

All ingredients conform to E.U. and FDA food laws and regulations.

The benefits of the Maqui Berry are many and varied; read this report from Food Chemistry for the full details.

Our raw freeze-drying process retains maximum nutrients meaning that our Raw Organic Maqui Powder is a true wholefood supplement. With the highest antioxidant quantity of any fruit, Maqui is reported to stimulate weight loss, delays the ageing process and detoxifies and cleanses the body. Research is also showing that it's a powerful anti-inflammatory and contains high levels of polyphenols and anthocyanins.

Antioxidants are substances that delay the oxidation process, which is the natural deterioration of cells leading to ageing. A growing body of literature points to the importance of natural antioxidants from many plants, which may be used to reduce cellular oxidative damage, not only in foods, but also in the human body. This may provide protection against a wide range of chronic diseases. The ORAC test measures a food’s antioxidant ability to neutralise free radicals and potentially mitigate health imbalances. The USDA recommend up to 5,000 ORAC units per day and more if under any of the various stressors most of us face each day. Most individuals get only 1,200 ORAC units or less per day; using a wholefood supplement such as Maqui as part of a healthy balanced diet will ensure that you're getting enough antioxidants to reap the maximum benefit.

Anthocyanins are antioxidant flavonoids that protect many body systems and have some of the strongest physiological effects of any plant compounds. They're produced by plants for self-protection against sun, irradiation, diseases and biological enemies.

Laboratory research shows that anthocyanins:
Reduce the coagulation of blood platelets, inhibiting formation of blood clots involved in stroke, pulmonary embolism, peripheral vascular disease and heart attack.
Promote higher levels of “good” cholesterol, HDL.
Inhibit oxidation of “bad” cholesterol, LDL.
Neutralize oxygen radicals.
Down-regulate enzymes leading to inflammatory reactions that cause pain and stimulate other diseases.

    Assays for Hydrophilic and Lipophylic Antioxidant Capacity (oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC FL) of plasma and other biological and food samples. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2003, 51, 3273-3279. Visioli, F.; Borsani, L.; Galli, C.
    Diet and prevention of coronary heart disease: the potential role of phytochemicals. Cardiovasc. Res. 2000, 47, 419-425.
    Dietary antioxidants andcardiovascular disease.Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 1992, 669, 249-258. Joseph, J. And Nadeau, & Underwood, Anne. (2002).
    Fruits and Vegetables and the Risk of Stroke.Nutr. Rev. 2001, 59, 24-27. Gaziano, J.M.; Manson, J.E.; Buring, J.E.; Hennekens, C.H.
    Juice and Phenolic Fractions of the Berry Aristotelia chilensis inhibit LDL oxidation in vitro and Protect Human Endotelial Cells against Oxidative Stress. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 50, 7542-7547. Parthasarathy, S.; Santanam, N.; Ramachandran, S.; Meilhac, O.
    Oxidants and antioxidants in atherogenesis.An appraisal. J. Lipid Res. 1999. 40, 2143-2157. Prior, R. et al.
    Polyphenol Rich Fractions of the Berry Aristotelia chilensisinhibit LDL Oxidation In-Vitro and Protect Human Endotelial Cells Against Oxidative Stress. FreeRadical Biology & Medicine (Oxygen Society), XI th Meeting of the Society for Free Radical ResearchInternational, July 16-20, René Descartes University, Paris, France. Miranda-Rottmann, S., et al. (2002).

Nutritional Information
Serving Size 5g

 Per ServePer 100g
Energy86kj 1720kj
Fat  - total.49g9.8
-saturated.065g 1.3g
Carbohydrate - total3.6g72.0g
- sugars1.55g 31g
- dietary fibre 1.15g 23.1g 
Sodium .41mg 8.2mg
Vitamin A6IU120IU
Vitamin C29mg581mg
Calcium 8mg160mg
Iron 0.2mg4.1mg
ORAC 15,963uMol 319,265uMol

Serving Suggestions
Early in the day, Maqui is a great addition to your Buckinis, buckola, grawnola or smoothies: add one teaspoon of Maqui Powder to meet your daily requirement. If you need an antioxidising hit in the evening, Maqui's sweet, tart flavour goes great with many desserts!

Unlike many other powders, you'll never get that gritty, grainy quality with Maqui. It dissolves beautifully, emanating a gorgeous purple sweetness...this stuff just has to be be tasted to be believed!

Mesquite Powder - Raw Planet - Wildcrafted

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Mesquite meal is a traditional Native American food used as a staple food for centuries by desert dwellers, this high protein meal contains good quantities of calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and zinc, and is rich in the amino acid lysine as well. It has a sweet, rich, molasses-like flavor with a hint of caramel which blends well into smoothies or other drinks, especially those made with cacao and maca.

The pods have traditionally been dried and ground into flours or processed into a sweetener, sweet beverage, or fermented into an alcoholic beverage.

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Algorroba (Prosopis juliflora) is a leguminous plant found in South America that was spread to arid zones around the world, including the southwestern U.S., where it is known as mesquite. Algorroba trees growing wild in desert areas of northern Peru are extremely well adapted to adverse weather and soil conditions. This particular characteristic of all Prosopis spp. makes them a suitable plant to fight desertification, and the extension of its cultivation is recommended to stop desertification in semiarid regions and to promote development of drylands.

About Mesquite and Diabetes:
Researchers report that mesquite is highly effective in balancing blood sugar. The natural sweetness in the pods comes from fructose. Fructose doesn't require insulin to be metabolised -- making it safe for diabetics. The high rate of dietary fibre, pods are 25% fibre, causes the nutrients in mesquite to be absorbed slowly preventing the spikes and valleys in blood sugar. With a low glycemic index of 25, mesquite requires a longer time to digest then many grains. The digestive time for mesquite is to 4 to 6 hours unlike wheat that digests in 1 to 2 hours. These factors result in a food that maintains a constant blood sugar for a sustained time and as a result prevents hunger. Here is a food that supports the diabetic's diet and helps maintain a healthy insulin system in those not affected with blood sugar problem.

Approximate Nutritional Value of 100g Mesquite Meal:

    *  Protein 16 g
    *  Fat 3.4 g
    *  Calories 380
    *  Fibre 36 g Minerals
    *  Barium 3.7 mg
    *  Boron 3.2 mg
    *  Calcium 520 mg
    *  Chromium 0.12 mg
    *  Cobalt 0.03 mg
    *  Copper 0.8 mg
    *   Iron 18 mg
    *   Magnesium 140 mg
    *   Manganese 2.3 mg
    *   Molybdenum 0.05 mg
    *   Phosphorus 215 mg
    *   Potassium 1712 mg
    *   Sodium 12 mg
    *   Sulfur 222 mg
    *   Zinc 3.0 mg